Quiz 1. Have you already arranged people, who will be documenting evidences of human violations? Yes No 2. Are these people (documenters) trained enough for such work? Have they had an experience in human rights documentation? Yes No 3. Do documenters represent the same vulnerable groups, whose rights violations you are planning to document? Do documenters provide services and have close contact and trust among communities? Yes No 4. Have you considered any particular tool for documentation? Have you decided already how you are going to record evidence on paper or online? Yes No 5. Have you planned already security measures for data, you will collect | documenters | clients? Yes No 6. Have you already planned, how you will use data and evidence, you have collected? Yes No 7. Are you planning to do advocacy actions | negotiate with a state, based on data and evidence of human rights violations? Yes No 8. Have you arranged some funding to cover services for emergency support to the victims of human rights violations? Yes No 9. Have you arranged some funding for legal support (attorney) in case you will have strategic court cases? Yes No 10. Have you mobilised other legal aid, health and social service providers to facilitate smooth referrals that help individuals access the support they will need? Yes No 1 out of 10 Want results by email? Please submit your email in the field. Email Час вийшов! Час вийшов Залишити відповідь Скасувати коментарКоментарEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Введіть URL-адресу сайту (необов’язково) Зберегти моє ім'я, e-mail, та адресу сайту в цьому браузері для моїх подальших коментарів.